Monday, December 9, 2013

Congress's Air Tax: An Unfair Proposition?

JetBlue Is Against the Proposed Tax Hike

According to BlueTales, on a $300 round trip ticket 20% of the cost, on average, does to fees and taxes imposed upon the aviation industry. Currently flying is taxed under the same sinful area as tobacco and alcohol. Now, Congress is proposing a 100% increase on a TSA tax, from $2.50 to $5.00 and the White house is in support of tripling it. This increase is meant to tackle budget deficits, but has no actual correlation with increased security or personnel hires within the TSA.

A few facts about the current situation:

  • From 2007 to 2012, the TSA budget increased 19% even though the number of screens performed dropped by 11%.
  • The aviation industry is subject to 17 different federal and state taxes.
  • Last year passengers paid nearly $2 billion in security taxes when flying.

Is there a lot more to this than meets the eye? That always tends to be the case when it comes to politics and matters of policy. In this case though, this seems to be a transparent grab at funding increasing for an arm of the government whose usefulness has already been called into question in recent years despite more and more money getting pumped into the TSA's coffers. There is no apparent or explicit benefit that we, as passengers, could be gaining by this increase in security tax. It puts strains on the already fragile airline industry, drives up already expensive ticket prices, and sets a dangerous precedent for future moves of similar nature. 

If you'd like to speak out to your representative about your feelings on the tax, you can do so easily at Stop Air Tax Now and stand up with Airlines for America, the Consumer Travel Alliance, IATA, ALPA, and RAA to oppose the additional taxes. I have taken the short amount of time needed to voice my opinion and hope you do too! Traveling shouldn't have to be un-affordable by way of taxes and now is an opportunity to prevent rising costs.

 - John

Friday, December 6, 2013

Donating Frequent Flier Points

JetBlue Lets You Use Points for Good

One of my favorite aspects of Jet Blue is their dedication to being a socially conscious business. All big companies will engage in the occasional non-profit work for public relations and to spread general goodwill, but certain organizations seem to go above and beyond by consistently finding new and innovative ways to give back.

Case and point, as the anniversary of Hurricane Sandy has come and gone, leaving much of JetBlue's home city of NYC still in recovery, JetBlue is allowing customers to donate money to AmeriCares and matching dollar for dollar (point) up to $25,000.

Use points for good

If there ever was a great use for unused airline points, a dollar matching towards a wonderful organization is one of them. AmeriCares is a diasaster relief non-profit that works to give humanitarian aid in the US and around the world. So far, they have given $3 million towards Haiyan relief.

Many homes and businesses in NYC are still struggling to rebuild and make ends meet even though the storm was a year ago. This is a wonderful gesture towards the home that JetBlue proudly has in NYC and as New Yorker myself am very touched by their efforts. If you points to spare, you have until December 31st to make the donation.

 - John

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blue's News - Dec 4

What's new with JetBlue

Truly Thankful Badge

  • Hope you had a good Thanksgiving! I'm back after a quick break spending time with the family, and was so pleasantly surprised to come back to the Truly Thankful JetBlue badge when I logged back in! A free badge, closer to your next level of TrueBlue!

Festival of Flights

  • And since Thanksgiving is over, the holiday season is officially in full gear. Check out some ridiculously cheap $49 flights and $149 Getaway packages for a limited time.

  • Finally, JetBlue starts servicing Port-au-Prince, Haiti tomorrow. Having been there myself, I have to say it's an incredible country for a number of reasons and one of the most life changing trips I've been on!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Blue's News - Nov 27

What's new with JetBlue

  • Engadget has a great review on JetBlue's maiden voyage of its new Fly-Fi, the fastest internet service in the industry! A full breakdown of speeds and glitches experienced are detailed in the writeup - and the outlook is quite good for the new service!

  • JetBlue's annual Swing for Good golf tournament brought in a whopping $500,000 for their partner charities, KaBOOM! and First Book who will be splitting the proceeds evenly. This kind of effort from a company is one of the reasons why I love JetBlue! If you participated you'll have qualified for the Bluemanity badge!

  • Forbes decided that Jet Blue is the worst airline for holiday travel, by looking at percentage of late and delayed flights. Since JetBlue is based out of the Northeast, and the top airline is based out of...Hawaii, I think it is safe to say it depends more on where you're going than who you're flying in the winter! To each their own, I suppose.