Showing posts with label PED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PED. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

FAA Says Electronics Okay!

JetBlue Follows FAA Recommendations

It's been a long, long, long time coming: as of November 4th, the FAA has become more lax with their regulations on electronic devices during flights. That means no more furiously eeking out that last text as the stewardess looms down the aisle, no more unplugging your headphones just for takeoff, no more interrupted anything!

Although the FAA's allowance of device usage is great, it still falls into the hands of airlines to implement their own policy in regards to portable electronic usage. Luckily, JetBlue is awesome! Within just hours of the announcement they began letting passengers use their personal devices! In fact, Jet Blue became the first US airline to allow PED (personal electronic devices) during flight on a Buffalo flight that took off that same day.

This is a great example of why JetBlue is such a fantastic airline to fly, you get quality and genuine enthusiasm all for a seriously cheap ticket! What's not to love? 

For the nitty gritty details, the FAA has you covered with an article on their site.

Check out the video for the momentous occasion: