Friday, December 13, 2013

Fly-Fi Still Looking Great

12 Mbps (Mega-bytes per seat) 

It wasn't too long ago that JetBlue's Fly-Fi got it's first real test with decent, but not great, reviews. Not too long later they decided to up the ante for a stress test: a flight full of blogging, streaming, Instagramming journalists on a flight that started and ended at JFK for the sole purpose of putting the wireless internet to the test. Not bad for a budget airline.


So what did Engadget have to say? "...the connection was much faster on the plane than it was in the JFK terminal..." which to me is a fairly impressive statement to make about in-flight wifi. Zach, from Engadget, was able to load 720p YouTube videos with only a moment or two of buffering and if it truly was faster than on the ground at JFK, color me impressed.

In addition to the A320s that currently have Fly-Fi, 737s have also begun to be equipped with the service thanks to JetBlue's subsidiary LiveTV. For the time being, Big Blue is still the only airline, let alone the only cheap airline, that is offering these types of speeds for a fair $9 per hour - but that's only if you want to use high definition streaming. Until June 2014, using Fly-Fi for plain old browsing the Internet will be free, as in beer. 

So if you're waiting to board your always affordable flight purchased through JetBlue and see the logo above by the boarding door entrance, you're in for a treat! Relax and enjoy cutting edge Wi-Fi speeds for free courtesy of JetBlue. For more information and FAQ, visit the JetBlue Fly-Fi page.

I'm hoping I get to try it out on my next flight out of JFK, but if have tried it let me know what you think!

Update: Check out BlueTales to find out what flights in the next 24 hours will have Fly-Fi onboard!

 - John

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